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Cloth Nappy Addict
Cloth Nappy Addict
- September 2010
Cutting sugar and caffeine, The experience
   Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:07 pm
Well this could get addictive
   Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:58 pm


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Well this could get addictive

Permanent Linkby smilinglou on Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:58 pm

I thought I'd start sharing some of my little adventures, there's plenty of them since my life can be quite random sometimes. Like today; I got up, got dressed and we went OUT, out of the house!! Amazing right? Yeh see what I mean.
I'd say that's the most amazing day so far but that would be a lie, totally dishonest and I don't like to lie to myself or others so the truth is the other day (I think it was a Monday, but possibly Tuesday) was far more amazing than even that....there was chocolate cake! Real life chocolate cake!! So it doesn't really compete.

Anyway today I got fluffy post, a drybees fleece I swapped an easyfit for, great nappies for nights, I was happy until I realised we'd run out of caffeine tea, complete disaster, am considering telling dh to go buy some, he could take Lily with him then I could sneak away and read my book, Eclipse (yes I know I read the Twilight books but they are really good and this is from someone who hates fitting in, this may well be because I don't fit in very well but shhh don't ruin my mental gymnastics)...anyway I've read half that book in 2 days, madness, personally I think Edward is a bit annoying; he would grate on me but he's addictive so there we are, but then I'm forgetting the most amazing possibilities his body may hold and I don't mean the ones you're thinking of....just consider for a moment how quickly he could get to tesco and back with the pg tips!
Really need that tea now, my head hurts and I feel like shoveling junk into my slightly amusing body, kfc is the new craving, trust me to fancy something that I will regret about 2 minutes and 30 seconds after eating. I give a specific time because the stomach crippling, head whizzing side effects of the lovely monosodium glutamate are hard to forget, so it's 5 minutes (maybe less without the tea) of pure mouth chomping heaven, then about 5 hours or more of pain, and mood swings, and 'MyhusbandisthemostannoyingpersononEarthitis', perhaps not.

Maybe a little peak at the classifieds, just one, small, addiction boosting peak...

It's not my paypal balance that hates me, that one goes to the bank account, but then what's 'its' problem, it has a happy life, total attention seeker if you ask me :roll:
Right am off to moan constructively at dh...
I've enjoyed this, we must do it again sometime


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