Cloth Nappy Tree Forum

Author:  sophDC [ Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:34 pm ]
Blog Subject:  35 weeks and more baby/mum buys

35+1 today

Annoyed that I couldn't get a 36 week mw appointment for next week, so I will be a day off full term by the time I do see her. Shouldn't matter too much really. I just like hearing baby's heart beat, it is so reassuring :pregnant:

Been spending my time organising the baby's room (although baby will be with us in our room at first), so been putting clothes, swaddlepods, sleepingbags away into the chest of drawers. I still need to pre-wash all the clothes and the bedding I have so far and the moses basket waffle fabric.

OH bought me a really handy hospital bag from Tesco's, so I have that as my bag and I have another bag for both mum and baby things like nipple cream, nappies and baby clothes.

I have been drawing up lists of things I should need in the bags, taking advice from different forums. I sometimes just think I don't have a clue. Some women pack tonnes, I suppose you never know how long you will be...
So, today I bought:

Some biodegradable nappy bags (for dirty fluff)
Big bag of cotton wool pleat as the pads were loads more expensive, but I have packed a pouch of reusable wipes
Protective maternity mats - not sure where to put them, def one in the bed and one beside the bed
Mini toileteries: deodorant, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner,toothpaste
Face wipes
Travel tissues
Moist tissues

And some evening primrose oil capsules which I have started taking today.

I am rather knackered now, and maybe let my RLT brew too long as I feel a bit queasy! :night: Going to have a snack and that should perk me up.

First pregnancy yoga class tonight and typing this has reminded me I forgot to get some cash out for it, doh! And can't go out as someone said he was going to fix the fence at 3pm...erm late much?