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Getting organised

Permanent Linkby sophDC on Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:26 am


We bought a nice, inexpensive chest of drawers from Ikea on Saturday and after OH made a fantastic roast on Sunday he assembled it. I am so pleased with him and it haha!
The top drawer is the designated fluff drawer, with the storage boxes I bought filled with the nappies, wraps, inserts. boosters. I have to say it looks pretty organised at the moment...I wonder how long that will last!
I do still need to wash a fair few of them, especially the pre-loved ones.
Clothes are in the middle drawer and now I have run out of the storage boxes, so may get some more as it keeps everything in its place and tidy. I'm getting some more clothes sent soon, some white newborn baby grows and vests from the lovely Claire on CNT who I have already bought 9 fab baby grows off and 2 Teenyfits :)
I'm a cloth newbie anyway and I'm getting confused with the mf booster which comes with the Teenyfits, when its out the wash its already dry which is handy, but haven't heard great things about them doing their job well enough - or that they are bulky. I guess I will have to find out when they are actually on a little baby bum!

Today I plan to wash some pre-loved fluff. I bought some Bold 2 in 1 Lavender and Camomile yesterday and used it for the towel wash. It smells really nice. OH kept catching me sniffing the laundry! Different people use different products and I have heard that Bold is a good choice for cloth nappies, even if it is bio.
The only other laundry detergent I have in my cupboard is a bottle of Ecozone (i think!) non-bio liquid, an almost empty bottle of Sainbury's 2 in 1 bio lavender liquid and a bag of Rockin Green watermelon powder.
I have used the ecozone a few times and its fine washing lightly soiled clothes at 30, but anything like tea towels its not great. Also the clothes come out with no scent, so it can be difficult to determine which clothes have been washed as they don't smell particularly fresh.
Sainsbury's 2 in 1 is fab for everything. I haven't washed preloved fluff with it though. The liquid smells rather strongly of blackcurrant strepsils, which makes a change! Everything washes really well at 30/40.
Rockin Green powder has a very subtle fragrance, which is a shame as I chose watermelon thinking ooh that will smell of watermelon and presumably then my washed clothes will smell the same. But just like ecozone the laundry is unscented and doesn't smell fresh at all. I have used this to wash a couple of pre-loved nappies. Unfortunately I was sent a rather stained Easy Peasy Bimble nappy and RG couldn't do anything and neither could the sun apparently. So had to use some stain remover on that...but doesn't exactly bode well for dealing with stained pooey nappies does it. I also had a tbsp of ecover oxygen laundry bleach as its safe to use on the materials so I have heard.
Again, I will find out what works and what is right for me when I actually have fluff laundry to do!


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