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Hiccups and BH
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Hiccups and BH

Permanent Linkby sophDC on Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:55 pm


I had a so-so evening yesterday.
Good points:
Cooking my OH a chilli con carne (not my cup of tea, but may have converted myself, haha!) and him adoring it :)
Pampering bath
Hypnobirthing relaxtion and massage
Not so good points:
Really sudden shooting pains down there, maybe to do with the engagement of the baby's head? At my 34 week mw appt baby was 3/5 engaged. This was followed by some rather intense BH. This could be due to the RLT, although I have only just started it and on 1 cup a day, but from tomorrow I will be having 2 cups a day. The Clipper RLT is actually rather nice. Anyway, this made me kind of hobble to bed earlier than I wanted, during the middle of the tv prog I was watching :s

Much better today, I'm having a cup of tea and just eaten a freshly baked white choc muffin and right on queue baby has hiccups. Normally expect them around 10 mins following eating or drinking. Poor thing, some hiccup episodes seem to last aaaages!

Today I pre-washed the following fluff
2 x swaddlebees newborn
3 x tots bots teenyfits
1 x Happy Heiny pocket xs
4 x FuzziBunz small
5 x fleece Kissaluvs size 0

Organised laundy according to colours of fluff, as I am washing a combination of pre-loved and new nappies, so don't want to risk a colour bleed. Typically forgot to wash 2 x BG (green and blue) so I think I will wash them with the clothes rather than the light fluff wash. I'm only doing this as a pre-wash...once baby is here and we are actively using fluff everything will be washed together :)

Going to start taking evening primrose oil capsules if OH gets some today.
I just have a feeling that baby will be a little bit early, maybe 2 weeks or 1 week early, who knows, due dates shouldn't be relied upon IMO, should be more of a window, i.e, anytime from 37 to 42 weeks. Must be annoying to get excited approaching the due date and then it comes and nothing happens, all the while with having a constant influx of messages, had the baby yet? Is baby here yet? and so on! Baby will come when she is ready :) and we can't wait to meet her :) <3 :love:


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