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My 12 month old was dry over 7 hours last night! WOO HOO!

Permanent Linkby tribalbaby on Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:16 am

Ahh, had a milestone last night, I'm thrilled.

As Jett has a brace on / between his legs for his clubfoot correction, I can't do night EC as I did with Mavey, though I tried for 9-10 months!

He wears an eco disposable each night, I empty it in the garden!

Anyhoo, I'm running out - have three left, so on stretching out mode (I hate buying more nappies)

I use some cloth, but dislike the wetness, he wriggles so much.

Last night I put a hand towel in a snap cover at about 7 when he passed out.

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Help the Environment! How Does Practicing Part Time EC Help?

Permanent Linkby tribalbaby on Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:31 am

Practicing EC Has a Vast Potential to Reduce Your Environmental Impact On a Daily Basis.

Part time elimination communication (EC) simply reduces all aspects of nappy use while enhancing your observation skills and awareness of the basic physical needs of your baby. This understanding soon expands to other areas of your relationship.

Each day you can start afresh with your baby, striving to skip at least one nappy each day. A basic level of consistency will help your baby...

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Going Green With Your Baby? 7 Ways to Combine Cloth & EC...

Permanent Linkby tribalbaby on Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:24 am

Nappies become a parenting tool while practicing EC - useful, but not essential all the time.

You'll discover that you can reduce your reliance on nappies and have a more relaxed approach to toilet training all together, as your confidence with managing your baby's hygiene needs in alternative ways will increase. You'll be able to confidently hold your baby nappy free in your arms or in a baby sling for parts of the day at home, even just in pants when in a sling when out...

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1 - My Blog is about Green Living, Combining EC & Cloth Nappies!

Permanent Linkby tribalbaby on Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:01 am

My name is Charndra and I am a SAHM with 2 boys aged 4 and 10 months.

I run a website on baby pottying, called Part Time Nappy Free - the aim is to share my enthusiasm about elimination communication with interested Mums.

EC is an ancient form of baby hygiene care that pre-dates disposable and even cloth nappies! In our modern world, combining real cloth nappies with baby pottying is the way to go - it's fun, very environmentally friendly and great for the budget too!


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