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1 - My Blog is about Green Living, Combining EC & Cloth Nappies!

Permanent Linkby tribalbaby on Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:01 am

My name is Charndra and I am a SAHM with 2 boys aged 4 and 10 months.

I run a website on baby pottying, called Part Time Nappy Free - the aim is to share my enthusiasm about elimination communication with interested Mums.

EC is an ancient form of baby hygiene care that pre-dates disposable and even cloth nappies! In our modern world, combining real cloth nappies with baby pottying is the way to go - it's fun, very environmentally friendly and great for the budget too!

:D I like to say that practicing Elimination Communication is using one less nappy at a time. (Ahh, and washing less too!)

:wink: After all, the most environmentally friendly cloth nappy is the one your baby is wearing but not using today!

I'm practicing EC with my baby now, and did with my first son from birth too. We use cloth and also some eco disposables for our nappy needs.

Part Time Nappy Free is a site dedicated to helping you to reduce your reliance on full-time nappies. I'll help you to develop your nappy-free confidence with my fun (and free!) guided introduction to part-time elimination communication, the 7 Secrets. EC is a gentle practice helping you deepen your conscious understanding of your relationship with your baby, supporting a secure attachment. Re-discover this ancient and alternative way of managing your baby's hygiene needs, while using nappies as backup. (It's also addictive and a lot of fun!)
YES! Practicing EC means REDUCING your use of nappies gradually. 'No nappies allowed' is not true...

My blog will be a series of posts helping introduce you to aspects of Elimination Communication, or Baby Pottying. (I like that phrase over the more cumbersome phrases used!) Each has three ideas for you to think about!

Thanks for reading - I hope I am introducing you to an idea that changes your life as it has many other families!


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