
Twins Plus One

A blog about life with twin boys and a three year old girl. Fun, chaos and carnage all the way! :babyrolleyes: :bebykiss: :x

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Permanent Linkby Twinmamma on Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:18 am

It's Saturday morning and organised chaos is ensuing downstairs while I type away happily upstairs. Saturday morning in our house is Simon's morning with the kids and I am supposed to get a lie in :hohoho:
As I said before, organised chaos, Max and Tom our four and a half month old twins are bellowing and Anna our nearly three year old is racing around declaring that she is the winner of a trophy, and I'm supposed to be asleep? No chance.

So, having rescued the twins from the fate that was their play mat, "Max, please don't hit your brother becasue he's got the lion," and put them down for their sleep; Simon and Anna are now having dippy eggs for breakfast, "Daddy, I don't like dippy egg;" I'll introduce myself:

I'm Natalie, mummy to the gang and wonderful wife :giggle: to Simon, a teacher by trade but am not thinking about that for a good few months yet. I'm also a cloth nappy addict and am spending all my maternity money on nappies for my boys. This morning, they are in Pop Ins which were what got me back to cloth nappies this time round - well actually it was a special offer on them in Waitrose that did it. Anna had Bamboozles which I loved but I wasn't very committed to the cause then and would only use them when I was at home :oops: . The bamboozles have come out for the boys and have been brilliant again but I rather like buying new ones and trying them. So far I have lots of Pop Ins, a collection of SIO Ittis, a couple of Tots Bots Easy Fit and my very favourite, not a leak or damp vest leg in sight, some Hip Hip Baby Real Easies. I'm yet to forray into night time nappies and am still using disposables over night but I'm starting to think about changing over. The problem with having twins is that I have to buy double of everything which can make things rather pricey so I'm looking for some preloved night nappies to get us started... we'll see what happens.

Well as all is quiet on the western front, Anna and Daddy are playing 'Babies', lucky man, I think I may go and have some breakfast myself now...


3 Comments Viewed 21086 times

Re: Hi

Permanent Linkby twinmama on Mon May 03, 2010 9:31 pm

This is so odd! I have a little girl called Anna who I semi-cloth-bottomed with and otherwise used nature-friendly(partially bio-degradable - as nature friendly as possible) disposables when we were out and about lol I dug out my old bamboozles and goebel fitted bamboo nappies for my twins and have been building my stash to become a more committed cloth-bottoming mother, too :-)

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Re: Hi

Permanent Linkby twinmama on Tue May 04, 2010 10:57 am

And I just noticed we have similar names in real life as well - Im Natasha :)

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Re: Hi

Permanent Linkby Twinmamma on Thu Sep 02, 2010 9:30 pm

How amazing and wierd all at the same time! I've only just seen your post - sorry, you posted months ago... are your twins boys too?

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