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Jake's stash - updated 12/12/11

by tanya on Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:11 am
Day Fitteds
8 x Large DnF - OBV x 4, Rhinos, Superheroes, Choo Choo, Retro cars/OBV
2 x M/L HL fitteds
1 x Size 2 Hollow Oak fitted
1 x Toddler HO fitted
6 x Goodmama OS - Cars, space, games, striped, Ooga, Baseball
2 x Bububebe OS - Camo & Later Gator
1 x Medium Pianissimo Cloth
3 x Large F&S - Elephants & 2 x OBV
1 x Large Sweetiebums - OBV
1 x Large Jimmy Riddles - Zoo
2 x Medium Bamboo Short Rounds - Boys Smell &...

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4 Comments Viewed 74795 times


by SuSu79 on Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:15 pm
orders ready for

apple, monkey, skulls size L
apple size L
pink with petrolCMX size M
skulls size S

fitted stuffable, cotton velour outer, mikrofleece inner

pocket, size M, for a special friend! light pink brPUL outer and cat bamboo inner


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4 Comments Viewed 36394 times


by Clothachu on Sat Nov 07, 2015 7:44 pm
Hello it is :loopy: Louis and my pokécloth Clothachu and I am the child of Clothmamma and MrC. here is a picture that I made.

3 Comments Viewed 4305809 times

Pizza Base

by MrC on Fri Nov 13, 2015 7:22 pm
4 super thin pizza bases

2 packets yeast (for 500g)
1 teaspoon sugar
1.25 cups of water
1 tablespoon oil
3 cups all-purpose flour
salt to taste

3 cups is about 400g of flour. Work out yeast according to what it says on the packet. In this case it's about two packets.

Mix yeast and warm water in a bowl (40-45 Centigrade)
Add oil and flour and mix till it forms a dough ball.
Nead for about 5 mins
Cover bowl with a kitchen towel, place next to heater while the oven is warming...

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My experience so far/Opinion

by Kaekae on Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:14 pm
Now that I've been using cloth for an entire week I thought I would update on my experience so far; Including my opinions on the different cloth nappies that I borrowed from the nappy library.

So far I have been pleasantly surprised at how hassle-free using cloth nappies has been. I expected a lot of extra work. Washing nappies takes no extra effort considering I wash our laundry a few times a week anyway, not to mention that my daughter has had no rashes since changing over.

As I mentioned in...

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