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Second Class

by FUZZIFAN on Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:57 pm
We started the routine :wine: I have swapped my tap shoes for a smaller size and everything feels a bit better. Liked the steps and have almost got it so far. My legs are killing me! I'm so unfit, I must try harder to lose the weight as heaving it about is just harder work! I'm sure it would be easier if I was lighter, I could also get a proper pair of dance trousers instead of my jeans which work their...

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help with pockets PPPPLease

by data72 on Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:56 pm
help please!! :wink:
we are going on holiday and we decided to try pockets even though we normally use 2 part nappies .
ordered from China long long ago and sadly :( have not arrived.
leaving on Sunday.
Is there any one out there who could lend a few by popping them in the post tomorrow?
I will happily pay postage both ways....

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alfies fluffy bum stash so far :)

by nappymad09 on Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:49 pm
17 tots cotton nippa nappies sz 1
1 thirsties fitted
1 eco bubs wool pocket medium
1 muttaquin medium
1 tots stetchie sz 1
1 tots flexi tots sz 1
2 bg aios xs and small
1 itti aio blue polka dots SMAll
1 rumparooz in gumball
2 pop in bamboos
1 piddle poddle ai2 small
1 tush fitted small
2 wnnl 1 med 1 small
1 poddlekins (think thats the correct name) small
another ai2 unsore on name small
mighty mouse fitted not sure on name snall
lil stinkies pocket small
UD pockets small in choc small, space and...

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Mummy to twins

by simone12 on Wed May 06, 2009 9:36 pm
0 Comments Viewed 3547 times

My first blog post

by lulu on Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:55 pm
Hello everyone :idea:

So, after discovering this lovely website a week ago (and several purchases later!) I decided to bite the bullet and start a blog!

I'm not normally good at maintaining blogs but figured that I'll be on here quite alot and so why not give it a go?

I'll be 37 weeks pregnant on Saturday and my little one aka "Bumble Bee" is due on Halloween. Is it bad that I'm hoping Bumble will...

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