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pockets to loan

by data72 on Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:28 pm
help please!!
we are going on holiday and we decided to try pockets even though we normally use 2 part nappies .
ordered from China long long ago and sadly have not arrived.
leaving on Sunday.
Is there any one out there who could lend a few by popping them in the post tomorrow?
I will happily pay postage both ways....
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First week in cloth

by litlestar on Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:38 pm
We've just finished our first (Almost full week) in cloth. Lil Man was 4 weeks old on saturday and is now over 9 lbs.

we've used mainly
Itti Bitti D'lish
Motherease OS as day and night nappy
Pop ins as a night nappy

so far we've only had a few minor leaks, the coolababy aren't a good fit at the mo (peed straight out of the leg) the itti bittis area good daytime nappy but i did have a minor poo leak ...

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Going Green With Your Baby? 7 Ways to Combine Cloth & EC...

by tribalbaby on Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:24 am
Nappies become a parenting tool while practicing EC - useful, but not essential all the time.

You'll discover that you can reduce your reliance on nappies and have a more relaxed approach to toilet training all together, as your confidence with managing your baby's hygiene needs in alternative ways will increase. You'll be able to confidently hold your baby nappy free in your arms or in a baby sling for parts of the day at home, even just in pants when in a sling when out...

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my stash list

by Laura2904 on Thu May 14, 2009 12:12 pm
So I'm a mainly a pocket user
Here is my stash list...
1x Old style Fuzzi Bunz- hot pink
2x Old style Fuzzi Bunz- Gingham Pink
1x Old style Fuzzi Bunz- Trains print [in the post]
1x Old style Fuzzi Bunz- Pale Blue [in the post]
1x Fuzzi Bunz Daisy Print- Lavendar
1x Bumgenius V3- Zennia
1x Bumgenius V3- Butternut
1x Bumgenius V3- Blossom
1x Green Kids Anytimes- Sage
1x Green Kids Minkeetime- Lime
1x Green Kids Minkeetime- Retro Pink and brown cirlces...

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Caught the littlest's POO!!!

by Mumma-Boo on Fri May 27, 2011 8:38 am
Well as the title says, I finally managed to catch my littlest poo without it going all over the wrap - today is a good day!!! :yahoo:

A small victory I know, Im sure her nxt poo will go everywhere lol!!

Putting flushable liners ontop of the insert is definately the way forward - I almost have too wrap it up to ensure no spillages!!

One happy Mumma-Boo today!! ...

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