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MY STASH ***under construction***

by vampiredreams on Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:08 am


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8 Comments Viewed 40011 times

Not in a good place

by 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:38 am
and I can't find my way out. I'm trying so hard not to break down in tears at every little thing at the minute. OH has hit a bad place emotionally and he won't admit it so he's taking a lot of it out on me but on Saturday I just couldn't take it anymore and walked out of the hospital and left him there, I also didn't go back yesterday, I thought if I gave him chance to think he might pull out of it. Unfortunately not, I phoned him earlier on and I got another tirade. I'm tired (one of the things...

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7 Comments Viewed 234423 times

A lead up to now

by beck on Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:57 pm
A quick run up to right now.

Bren was diagnosed with Kidney failure just before his 21st birthday - 2000

We met the next year, we were only together for 3 months when he got sick and was admitted to hospital. It was through a routine scan that they found a Renal cell carcinoma (cancer of the kidney) his right kidney was removed October 2001 and thankfully he was contained and hadn't spread.

Because of his Renal failure and one kidney having been removed his body couldn't cope his condition advanced...

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7 Comments Viewed 140204 times

Clothmama's cloth pads! Cloth Nappy Tree CSP promotion & review

by clothmama on Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:33 am
I'm getting more and more passionate about cloth pads / cloth sanitary protection (CSP). The more I think about them the more it makes sense, the more I use them the more I love them :wine: (and the more I resent the times when I have to buy a pack of sweaty disposable ones!). I want to tell the world about cloth pads and get lots of other ladies loving them too!

I've had my collection now for over 3 years...

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6 Comments Viewed 516330 times

My pregnancy diary

by littlesez on Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:13 am
Well I am starting from now which is 33 weeks +4, due on 15th Feb. I have had a very easy time of it, no complications or issues. I am extremely grateful for this but unfortunatley it means i annoy others with my constant state of excitement and positivity about pregnancy! I have genuinely loved every minute of it and why not, its a fabulous time of life, the best yet. My hubby Rob is equally giddy, we're both really excited about our new addition and becoming parents. ...

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6 Comments Viewed 414325 times