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Kacie Claire - Everything I've Ever Wanted

by indigosky2k on Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:00 pm
Well I'm always starting blogs and never keeping them up, so I'm not even going to suggest I might :lol:

Kacie Claire was born on April 17 2009, after 49 hours in labour and every intervention short of a c-section :cry: My little forceps baby weighed 7lbs 12ozs, though she was a little blurry on the scales...

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2 Comments Viewed 24744 times

Caught the littlest's POO!!!

by Mumma-Boo on Fri May 27, 2011 8:38 am
Well as the title says, I finally managed to catch my littlest poo without it going all over the wrap - today is a good day!!! :yahoo:

A small victory I know, Im sure her nxt poo will go everywhere lol!!

Putting flushable liners ontop of the insert is definately the way forward - I almost have too wrap it up to ensure no spillages!!

One happy Mumma-Boo today!! ...

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38+3 The impatience has passed

by 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:07 pm
Last week was terrible, I could not sit still and was absolutely desperate to have bub, but it seems to have settled now. I am definitely ready to meet her, and ready to not be pregnant but I'm not going bonkers now :giggle: I am happy that she will come when she is ready. I am getting plenty of "still pregnant", "no sign yet then?" questions but I just smile and nod and remind people...

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by frankie_n_baby on Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:05 pm
I am waiting patiently for hubbie to come home with Thorntons (can't get them out of my mind now, Steph :lol: !) and a bottle of :wine: (for him). Tomorrow I have my ECG and am a little bit nervous, or maybe just anxious. The homebirth kind of hinges on the outcome, and both hubbie and I strongly...

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3 Comments Viewed 45373 times

Still nothing to go on

by 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:16 pm
Well the doctors are still not giving us OH's cancer levels. It's getting to be some kind of round-a-bout game. I ask someone who has to ask someone else which takes so long that I've left the hospital and no-one is telling OH much either. We DO know that his white blood cell count has now hit 0 which is a good and bad thing: good because the only way it can go now is up which means he should be able to come home soon, bad because it means he has no immune system and so is likely to have had every...

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