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89% complete!

by sophDC on Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:07 pm
35+5, 30 days till D-Day, 89% baked!

Phoned the doctors again this morning just to see if I could get a mw appointment this week ( already got it booked for next week, but I'd rather have a 36w appt when I am actually 36w!), but nope, they are still fully booked :s
I feel baby moving quite a bit, especially hiccups still and little kicks and punches, but these movements are reduced. Think baby is running out of room!

Yoga for pregnancy was fab, just what I needed. As I have just moved to this town...

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The end of weaning?!

by Slebro on Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:43 pm
Well, since I last blogged a long long time ago we have had lots of ups and downs with ds's sleep. As time has gone on, people have been more and more surprised that ds still didn't sleep well (the paranoid part of me says more and more disbelieving) and surprised I was still feeding him, especially at night (a big part of survival, so far as I was concerned). Every few steps forward he has taken towards sleeping for longer than an hour or two have always been short lived and interrupted by teething,...

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by clairelou88 on Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:53 am
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by 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:55 am
OH felt baby move for the first time this morning :wine: we were lying in bed while Austin hadn't quite woke up and she was kicking away so OH got to feel :mrgreen:
She got herself in to a funny position earlier too and stuck her bottom against tummy, it felt very strange! We have a looooong way to go...

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Reviews on the 'to do' list for these holidays!

by clothmama on Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:13 am
As many of you know I'm in the middle of exams but getting these pad reviews done are on the list of things I need to get done these holidays! Unfotunately things have been manic for me for the past 6 months or so - I feel like I've barely drawn breath!! Sorry for the long wait! :oops:
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