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It all starts tomorrow

by 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:07 pm
Tomorrow will be OH's first day of chemo and I currently have no idea how I feel about it I don't even know what to write. I have to be strong but sometimes just want to curl up in a corner. Austin can't spend much time with him because he just gets bored and has to be taken out of the hospital, I'm worried he will barely get to see OH if he gets bored and OH is too ill. I'm still not convinced this isn't all some horrid nightmare.
2 Comments Viewed 228355 times

3rd one!

by nic1 on Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:33 pm
I thoroughly enjoyed it today, had same instructor so was abit apprehensive. As in my 2nd lesson i wasn't as keen. Anyway i did work with no stirrups as well as holding reins in one hand and putting hand onto head, hip etc with other hand.
Also had me checking my correct diagonal too which was good. I also cantered for first time too, just a short one, since i returned to the saddle so that was good. Feeling pretty pleased with the way it went!!
1 Comment Viewed 66003 times

leaking and kicking

by frankie_n_baby on Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:23 pm
Well, I am sooo pleased that my little guy is kicking and moving much of the time now. He is fabulous and I can't wait to meet him! The boobs are also getting even more warmed up- lots of night time leaking, which is weird in some ways but cool and oddly normal in others. I can't believe I'll be 6 months pregnant by the 24th Feb.

The nursery is coming on- we have put up the cot, and need to get a mattress for it, but the chest of drawers/changing table is neatly in place...

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hello blw!

by loumo on Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:58 am

Miss Kitty is 6mths today. There were many, many time that I thought we'd never see this day, and I am thrilled that she is so healthy. We are celebrating with new knitted lovliness - a dress for her, a fidget for me - and some blw. For a few weeks now she has been grabbing and gumming anything she can, so we are officially on the journey towards food. Of course, the dairy free thing makes it...

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0 Comments Viewed 10544 times

My current wish list

by pinksalmon2001 on Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:41 pm
Must sell more to fund more fluff :oops: :oops:

Things I NEED:

2 x large WNNN - one brown dotty minkee with gingerbread men embroidery & one brown ooga booga
2 x dunk and fluffs - one grey and black giraffes & 1 Eliott Elephant
5 x blueberry large ss - Black,...

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