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by frankie_n_baby on Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:50 pm
My lovely little boy woke we again at about 5:25am, after a late night. :lol: I just couldn't get back to sleep after that until moments before the alarm went off. I was just getting breakfast when my boss/colleague's (am technically self employed) wife called to say that he wasn't well so we'd have to postpone the job today, which suited me fine. Shame he's unwell, tho.
Shortly after...

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by 0_Lisa_0 on Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:10 pm
I felt baby move, maybe I'm just going mad but I have been feeling a few things in the last few days but definitely feels like tiny jabbing today.
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The Law of Attraction and Van Helsing

by dominica2dot on Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:16 am

not sure if it is ok to post here but just wanted to share some of my recent reading.
So I had been reading Esther and Jerry Hicks books about the law of attraction as well as Jan van Helsing books. I do not think that van Helsing is really available in English but not sure about that.
I am curious what others think about these books.
I think it is worth reading for sure as it really convinces you that you have responsibility for your own life. Basically, for those who have no idea what the...

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by frankie_n_baby on Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:05 pm
I am waiting patiently for hubbie to come home with Thorntons (can't get them out of my mind now, Steph :lol: !) and a bottle of :wine: (for him). Tomorrow I have my ECG and am a little bit nervous, or maybe just anxious. The homebirth kind of hinges on the outcome, and both hubbie and I strongly...

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3 Comments Viewed 44095 times

Play dough.

by muttley on Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:42 am
I should have got photos. My first (and last) attempt at making play dough for the kids was a disaster!

2 cups flour
2 cups water
1 cup salt
mix. mix. mix. mix.

Easy right? wroooooooong! The resultant mess is now in my food bin awaiting the recycling men on Thursday! :cry: AND I added some vanilla essence for a yummy smell. OOps. I am sucking up the cost of buying the stuff...

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