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Living with a child with severe allergies

by ericaj1 on Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:59 pm
On April 12th 2006 we woke up excited, today Jack was 6 months old and starting weaning. I was planning on giving baby rice but I was a poor expresser due to a rubbish manual pump I now know so had no milk to mix it with. I decided to nip out and get him some rusks as these could be mixed with water into mush for him.

We had a busy day so didn't get down to feeding him till teatime ish perhaps a bit earlier. He wolfed it all down and really enjoyed it, within a few minutes though he looked very...

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3 Comments Viewed 26346 times

My Xmas List

by dawnsmummy on Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:27 am
Right, here's my list of presents for xmas!

Got. Need to get.

Dawn (these will be split between her birthday and Xmas!) :
Cars2 garage,
Some cars to go in it,
Vtech Vsmile system with lots of games and extras,
Ciccobello doll,
Mini dinosaur teddies,
Wooden dino block puzzle,
Dinosaur book,
Dinosaur fuzzy felts,

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by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:46 pm
I went to bed last night with my determined head on. I was sure I could get up today and just ignore the morning sickness, apparently not.
Cue 1am and a police helicopter passing so low overhead it could have taken off the chimney and waking Austin up, well 2.20 and he's still awake and I could kill for some sleep. OH brings him down stairs and I get some more broken sleep until 4 when all goes quiet because A has fallen asleep on the sofa and I think I might get ome proper sleep. Then the stomach...

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Isobella Rose and her words :)

by littlesez on Wed Nov 10, 2010 8:15 am
Izzy had always been quite quiet and more physical than vocal. But recently she has been a little chatterbox so I wanted to write down the words she has so far so i can look back and :D At 18 months she could say about 20 words so it really has come all at once i am so proud!

At 20 months
bye bye
see you soon
mimi (mummy)

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more stash

by emmalala on Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:08 pm
updating before i forget...

all of them

TNG shorties set

longies with wool dyed by ali at pixie knits and knitted by TNG gorgeous

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