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Early arrival

by june2007 on Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:44 pm
Like my previous baby. Julian Stephen was born 5 weaks early. In Scbu he used Dispicables, but now I am trying different ones. The trouble is my all in one nappies don't really go smaller enough. They all seem so bulky, so what do I use? Good old terry squares. I also have an old style size 1 Fuzzi bunze which for some reason is smaller then the new style. (Which is too big for him.). My mum thinks I have lots of cloth nappies, So think I have enough for now.
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hello blw!

by loumo on Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:58 am

Miss Kitty is 6mths today. There were many, many time that I thought we'd never see this day, and I am thrilled that she is so healthy. We are celebrating with new knitted lovliness - a dress for her, a fidget for me - and some blw. For a few weeks now she has been grabbing and gumming anything she can, so we are officially on the journey towards food. Of course, the dairy free thing makes it...

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REal nappy weak prep.

by june2007 on Sun May 08, 2011 3:20 pm
Well council popup display will be in the library, I will be at a children's centre. Have Emailed another centre, Will be takeing my nappies to breast feeding group. And have sent a letter off to friends, clients promoting my website clearence sale. Will try to get into some other groups. What else are poepl doing for real nappy weak. By the way which is it week or weak?
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Free Real Nappy Trial- West Berkshire area

by Veolia UK on Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:14 am

West Berskhire Council and Veolia Environmental Services offer completely free two week real nappy trials using the latest nappies, for parents within the West Berkshire district!

Please contact the waste minimisation team for more information on 0203 567 2900 or email west.berkshire@veolia.co.uk

Thank you!
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Julian at 12 weeks

by june2007 on Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:27 pm
My DS is now around 12 weeks old. He is weRING A MIXTURE OF NAPPIES. I find that if they are two big they leak at the side, but on the whole things are ok. He is now wearing his birth to potty nappies but the squares are most reliable for not leaking at night. My DD is out of nappies altogether which is good. She was dry at night from just before her 3rd birthday. Nappy stash now includes, Boot, and mothercare terries, 1 Imsevimse organic. 1 Blueberry minki. 1 Blueberry bamboo, 1 oldstyle fuzzibunze,...

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