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Leaky dips

by june2007 on Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:49 am
I spent xmas round my inlaws and then my parents away from home. I decided to use disps for when I was away as I did not want to produce my mother with having to wash the clothies. Mmm so much for saving on washing, the disps leaked so much that I had to wash the baby grows as I would have run out otherwise. My mum had a different brand to me thinking they leaked less, I wasn't so sure. So if anyone asks if cloth nappies leak, in my experience less then disposables do.
1 Comment Viewed 25244 times

A night off?

by 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:25 pm
Pah, I wish, I haven't even had time to get on here the last few nights, all because of the weather, it's too damn hot! Austin can't sleep so I have been stuck trying to get him to sleep until almost 10 for the last few nights and I'm exhausted. I'm behind with house work because when he finally sleeps I need to do the same and when he's not asleep I'm either looking after him or up at the hospital. It's all such a chore atm. I am happy though as OH isn't feeling too bad so it's almost like he's...

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2 Comments Viewed 241281 times

Shopping list!

by fivefourfour on Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:26 pm

25 fitted nappies
10 PUL wraps (have 6?)
4 fleece wraps (have two)

Jammie Jumpers
T-shirts and lap trousers
Sleep sacks
Wool dungerees, cardigans and jumpers


20 one size fitteds (have 4)
6 night nappies
10 PUL wraps
4 fleece wraps
flongies (?)
0 Comments Viewed 91090 times

alfies fluffy bum stash so far :)

by nappymad09 on Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:49 pm
17 tots cotton nippa nappies sz 1
1 thirsties fitted
1 eco bubs wool pocket medium
1 muttaquin medium
1 tots stetchie sz 1
1 tots flexi tots sz 1
2 bg aios xs and small
1 itti aio blue polka dots SMAll
1 rumparooz in gumball
2 pop in bamboos
1 piddle poddle ai2 small
1 tush fitted small
2 wnnl 1 med 1 small
1 poddlekins (think thats the correct name) small
another ai2 unsore on name small
mighty mouse fitted not sure on name snall
lil stinkies pocket small
UD pockets small in choc small, space and...

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0 Comments Viewed 3577 times

This was the week that sucked!

by loumo on Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:32 am
Ok, so this week has officially sucked. There would be more words in that sentence but it would break the CNT code of conduct! :hohoho:

But to make it seem less challenging, I shall, for you good people, magically transform it into a vaguely amusing rant which will, if nothing else, allow you to appreciate a trip into your kitchen to make a drink, or to your bedrooms to grab a nappy...

A little scene...

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0 Comments Viewed 10397 times