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New Year, New Nappies :)

by fivefourfour on Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:51 pm
Well, I thought it was time I did a new stash list, and this time I'll try and add pics (apart from the fact it's been a while and I've got some lovely stuff I want to show off! I'm starting to forget what I've got :oops: )

So, starting off with

All In Ones/All In Twos:

Tots Bots Easyfits:

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0 Comments Viewed 11169 times

moving house and making nappies

by usinukveg on Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:14 pm
So we're moving house...slowly.

Luckily Mr Frenchveg and I live little, so we're able to transport everything in suitcases between the old rental and the new. Thank goodness for wheely cases! The worst trip for Mr Frenchveg was my crockpot and a load of books all in one suitcase (he packed it!!) but kudos to him for all of the heavy lifting he's done.

A question for the UKers, where do you buy toilet brushes???? Why can't I locate a shop that sells this very necessary household cleaning implement???...

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2 Comments Viewed 7451 times

Nappy Stash .. Updated :)

by weefywoo on Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:45 am

Tops row Guerilla Fluff .... Bottom row DnF, HO & Jimmy Riddles

Fluff N Stuff (2 missing)

Dunk n Fluff

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by emuk00 on Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:15 pm
I would just love to say that I am really enjoying using this site...I have had lots of helpful and useful info off the girls on here and even bagged a few bargains to add to my collection, although hubby isn't happy lol

I have to say I am now a complete cloth nappy addict!!
2 Comments Viewed 4211 times

My current wish list

by pinksalmon2001 on Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:41 pm
Must sell more to fund more fluff :oops: :oops:

Things I NEED:

2 x large WNNN - one brown dotty minkee with gingerbread men embroidery & one brown ooga booga
2 x dunk and fluffs - one grey and black giraffes & 1 Eliott Elephant
5 x blueberry large ss - Black,...

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0 Comments Viewed 16070 times