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by loumo on Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:43 pm
'Impress' is off the needles! Just hunting for the perfect button, I had two in mind and can find neither...

But there seems to be a half made fidget on my needles already, and it needs buttons too.

*Scurries off to look for a 'buttons' section on classifieds*

Photos to follow...
0 Comments Viewed 35679 times

Nappy Joy!

by frankie_n_baby on Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:07 pm
I am sooo pleased! :wine: My little lambs kit has just arrived and I have teeny cotton and bamboo nappies (I got aplix in the end). I am so excited! :mrgreen: Oh, I hope this is the start of something beautiful ...

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3 Comments Viewed 45179 times

The Birth Story of Imogen Rose

by jules070603 on Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:34 pm
Imogen Rose – Born 22nd April 2009 at 1.48am, weighing 7lb 10.5oz.

For a couple of weeks before my due date of 21st April I had been having increasingly strong braxton hicks and lots of period type pains. As Zach was born at 38 weeks I kept thinking any day now!!!

Zachs birthday on the 19th April came and went and I started thinking about going overdue and what my options would be. On Monday the 20th April I was at the midwife and was offered a sweep which I accepted as I didn’t see why not. The...

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12+4: scan tomorrow

by 0_Lisa_0 on Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:45 pm
Well it appears my nausea is still lurking, not as bad as it was by any stretch but still there all the same and making dinner times a tad unpleasant. Still tired a lot, luckily I am getting a bit of time each afternoon to catch a cat nap otherwise I'm not sure how I would be getting through the day :oops:
Got our scan tomorrow morning ...

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For Sale

by dawnsmummy on Fri Aug 27, 2010 4:32 pm
These are the things I have for sale atm. Please feel free to make an offer! We need to get rid of our unused things before we move house. I would prefer pennies, BUT open to trades for girls clothes (Probably 5-6+) and girls shoes (10+) OR Size 2 Lollipop PopnGro pockets :)

Fitteds: viewtopic.php?f=57&t=44839 ...

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