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Pizza Base

by MrC on Fri Nov 13, 2015 7:22 pm
4 super thin pizza bases

2 packets yeast (for 500g)
1 teaspoon sugar
1.25 cups of water
1 tablespoon oil
3 cups all-purpose flour
salt to taste

3 cups is about 400g of flour. Work out yeast according to what it says on the packet. In this case it's about two packets.

Mix yeast and warm water in a bowl (40-45 Centigrade)
Add oil and flour and mix till it forms a dough ball.
Nead for about 5 mins
Cover bowl with a kitchen towel, place next to heater while the oven is warming...

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3 Comments Viewed 1367844 times

the wrong kind of weather

by loumo on Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:22 pm
This blog entry has been delayed due to unseasonable rain. It seems to be April here in the middle of June. Which my brain can't quite handle and so I keep running three washloads per day (let's face it, cloth nappies and blw mean stcks of laundry!) then having to hang it all over the house and keep turning it and checking it...

Anyway, I got the fidget scarflet finished. Bought buttons for it, about which I am yet undecided. Also got a button cute enough for impress...for 10p! Started a second...

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0 Comments Viewed 8460 times

onto ttc - Cycle 2

by moonsunstars2 on Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:29 am
Well AF has arrived today. I've been expecting a visit for the past week so it wasn't a surprise which is why, I think, I don't feel *too* disappointed. It was only our 1st cycle too, So it would've been amazing if I had managed it first time round!!! So yep, feeling all quite chilled about it atm.

With Ben it took 5 cycles ttc, and I was getting my cycles back to normal after oming of the pill. this time I haven't got that extra worry of getting a contraceptive out of my ystem (and a little...

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I am that mum.

by luckysprog on Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:32 pm
Can't see this video on your phone? Tap here to watch 7XZRtQDnWpc in your Youtube player

I never thought I would be that parent. You know, the one that thinks their kid is super-smart, developmentally advanced and generally better than most other people’s kids.

But you must see that my kid is a musical genius.
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by weefywoo on Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:28 pm
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