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Mummy to twins

by simone12 on Wed May 06, 2009 9:36 pm
0 Comments Viewed 3489 times

My stash pockets, fitteds, trainers

by dominica2dot on Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:33 am
I have following AIO/SIO/Pocket nappies
4x Easyfits V2 by Totsbots, I love these, waiting on 3 more
5x AIO Mommy's Touch, popper and velcro. Velcro being one of my favourite nappies
2x AIO Swaddlebees L, love these too
2x Swaddlebees pockets Large, love these
1x Bambooty
3x Itti SIO L, like these too
1x Itti AIO L
1x Smartipants
1x Wonderoos V1, one of my favourites as super absorbent
1x Minki Large, still quite big but nice and absorbent and I like the sheep...

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1 Comment Viewed 75677 times

My latest projects

by Bernadette on Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:27 pm
Well it took me a bit, but have just realise that the CNT is back up and running. I did miss it but I did get more sewing and less computer over the last few weeks!!

Ella got her little dress which I was really happy with and fits her brilliantly (back view)

After this, Fin has had 2 more pairs of spiderman shorts (blue & white) and Patrick has had...

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1 Comment Viewed 66254 times

No cry sleep solution: Ten day log

by littlesez on Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:28 am
Before the plan settling took from 7pm til 10pm or until i gave in and got inbed with isobella. She would not sleep in her cot. Nighttime wakings were upto every hour so started the no cry sleep solution on Monday coupled with changing her cot to a toddler bed.


Nap log
Not a usual day due to long car journey
9.30 fell asleep, by car movement,in the car,and stayed asleep for the journey for 3 hours
3pm fell asleep travelling back by car movement,in the car,and stayed asleep for 1 hour


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3 Comments Viewed 357736 times

20 weeks, it's a. . .

by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:35 pm
GIRL :widesmile:
bump pic

need to upload the scan picture but I can't believe we are having a girl :mrgreen: ...

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