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The end of weaning?!

by Slebro on Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:43 pm
Well, since I last blogged a long long time ago we have had lots of ups and downs with ds's sleep. As time has gone on, people have been more and more surprised that ds still didn't sleep well (the paranoid part of me says more and more disbelieving) and surprised I was still feeding him, especially at night (a big part of survival, so far as I was concerned). Every few steps forward he has taken towards sleeping for longer than an hour or two have always been short lived and interrupted by teething,...

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Aimie's stash

by shoogah01 on Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:21 am
well everyone else seems to be showing pictures of their stash so I thought I would add mine (i think most came from here since I have been changing from bambino mios to everything else :giggle: )

5x medium upsy daisy SS


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another delivery

by frankie_n_baby on Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:45 pm
After another late and disturbed night last night, I woke just in time to hear the postlady knock on our door with the first part of my babykind delivery. This time it was the flat terrys (terries?) I'd ordered. I got all confused at first and thought she'd mixed up the order, but it's actually all fine. I can't wait for the next delivery, tho, as that has my only coloured and different style nappies in it. I expect that will arrive tomorrow when we're out waiting for the...

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Looking forward to new nappies coming :)

by HighlandMum on Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:46 pm
So far Sandy doesnt have many cloth nappies. We got a starter pack of 5 different nappies from our local nappy scheme back in November and at the same time I ordered a couple extra tots bots and we have been using these (2 days worth) as well as disposables ever since.

This week i have 4 itti bitti d'lish, 11 bum genius V3, 3 fuzzi bunz and 4 other pocket nappies arriving so can finally put the sposies away :D ...

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Wool Nappy Covers - the basics

by Little Pants on Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:52 pm
So many people have asked me how wool can possibly make an efficient nappy cover, that I thought it was time to start a blog. So here goes.

How does wool work as a nappy cover?

I'll start with an explanation. Wool is absorbent, but absorbs very slowly. Because of the body heat of your baby, and the warmth of the wool, it also allows moisture to evaporate, and this happens at the same rate as it absorbs, especially if the...

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