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REal nappy weak prep.

by june2007 on Sun May 08, 2011 3:20 pm
Well council popup display will be in the library, I will be at a children's centre. Have Emailed another centre, Will be takeing my nappies to breast feeding group. And have sent a letter off to friends, clients promoting my website clearence sale. Will try to get into some other groups. What else are poepl doing for real nappy weak. By the way which is it week or weak?
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new thoughts

by frankie_n_baby on Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:24 pm
While browsing the list of WAHMs and looking at various products, I am again wondering about washable sanitary wear, and mooncups. Not sure about whether the mooncup is right for me, and wondering about the many different pads available. For some time I'd been wondering about all those unpleasant disposables (pads and tampons) and how they end up, and how damn much we have to spend in a lifetime for something that's not in any way in our control. It seems unfair that they...

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Rival closeing down.

by june2007 on Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:51 pm
A friend who also sells nappies is stopping selling them, which in someways is good as she is a rival. I have oppted to try and sell her stash. I would buy it all from her but I don't shift enought stuff to do that. I know she had her foot in the door of the local hospital so now she has gone I shall try getting my foot in the door. She is doing more holistic therepy, and if you live in hinckley I can say she does a lovely massage. The good news is that there is one less nappy seller in Hinckley....

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1 Comment Viewed 39539 times

my current stash

by clairelou88 on Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:45 pm
x6 Dunk N Fluff

x2 monkey snuggles

Tots bots flexitots

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1 Comment Viewed 16801 times

Tenacious Pea's Stash!

by freyasmummy on Sat Feb 13, 2010 12:25 pm
Nine weeks to go and stash is shaping up NICELY!

Some funds coming in a few weeks to enable further splurging...

Tenacious Pea's stash!

10 x tots bots cotton nippa size 1
3 x Muttaqin newborn
1 Luxebaby (dolphin), small
1 HL bedbug, hedgehog, small
1 Raven Tree Icky Nuts fitted, BTP
1 Sandys, blue, XS
1 Sandys, white, S
1 diddy diaper
1 BuggaBugga Boutique Lator Gator fitted, small
1 BuggaBugga Boutique fore dogs fitted, BTP
1 hemp BBH, BTP
3 cuddlebuns NB shells

1 bamboo square,...

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3 Comments Viewed 9076 times