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Yeah she's finally here! (Aunt Flo that is!)

by clothmama on Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:05 am
Well last month was a bit of a fizzer, I ended up with the shortest and lightest period I think I have ever had so only tried 3 or 4 of the pads and not properly either!

AF arrived yesterday and I'm so pleased!! :wine: :wine:

Day 1 of testing.

I popped on the Go with the Flo medium sized panty...

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2nd lesson!!

by nic1 on Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:22 pm
Just had my 2nd lesson earlier, same horse and instructor, found out today that Roxy is abit bigger than i was originally told so she is in fact a horse (approx 15HH).

We did lots of trotting, Roxy is quite lazy at times apparently and it can be hard work getting her into trot but i felt i did well. 2nd lesson so very early days but i think i'm doing ok. :wine: ...

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More lesson updates!

by nic1 on Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:00 pm
Last weeks lesson wasn't brilliant and it was very warm and sticky.

Todays lesson was alot better and got couple of good canters in. We also did some polework and i really enjoyed the lesson!! :D
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breastfeeding to carry on or not to carry on??

by khaliandmeadow on Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:26 am
hi all
just wanted some advice my daughters almost a year and im breastfeeding ,bottle feeding occasionally and co sleeping.Im not quite ready to give up on the breastfeeding or co sleeping but need to do something about getting some sleep.She comforts on me all night and when i pull away she crys so i never manage to get into a deep sleep before shes awake.i basically get 4 hours 6 on a good night.Everyone says let her cry it out in her cot but i dont want to jump to that extreme im sooo exhausted...

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89% complete!

by sophDC on Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:07 pm
35+5, 30 days till D-Day, 89% baked!

Phoned the doctors again this morning just to see if I could get a mw appointment this week ( already got it booked for next week, but I'd rather have a 36w appt when I am actually 36w!), but nope, they are still fully booked :s
I feel baby moving quite a bit, especially hiccups still and little kicks and punches, but these movements are reduced. Think baby is running out of room!

Yoga for pregnancy was fab, just what I needed. As I have just moved to this town...

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