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Bababoo nappies

by june2007 on Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:46 am
I was contacted by the company bababoo to see if I would sell there nappies. haveing looked on there site I agreed. I got sent a sample nappy and training pants. First imressions.. cheap. Yes they are a cheap price but the quality felt cheap. The nappy was a cow print minki, but the fabric was not a as soft as other minkis. It is a pocket nappy that comes with two boosters. These were rather like bumgenious ones. According to the guide the nappy will last around 4 hours or with 2 boosters 6. I tried...

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Lucys adventures in blw

by ericaj1 on Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:24 am
We tried sweet potato chips for tea yesterday and :shock: wow, not one bit of mess. She ate every single one of them really quickly so I can chalk them up as another hit. I'll do her some more for lunch today as they were so quick to do, I just par boiled them for 5 minutes then shoved them in the roasting tray with a small amount of oil. I sneaked a couple in Jack's normal chips too and he ate them...

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Busy weekend!

by sophDC on Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:55 am
I have Sunday to relax but I think I overdid it yesterday.
Went to Ikea in Southampton having driven over in a new car from Poole. Whenever I'm in the car my ribs really ache, only my right side. I don't know what could cause this,as baby's bum is apparently the closest to that side of my ribs!
Ikea is sooo big, so walked loads, but no heavy lifting for me! Came away with a nice chest of drawers and random bits and bobs such as tupperware for freezing meals to have when baby is here.
We visited my...

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by Cocoa Rose on Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:15 pm
I'm Tamsyn, live in Merseyside and have four children (12,11,8 and 8 months)
Used cloth on my third child part time and I am using them during the day on my latest addition.
She's growing rather fast and as she has been mostly in sized nappies I was looking for a place to sell the ones she's grown out of.

Tama x
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9 weeks and "the bog move"

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:24 pm
I am delepoing the theory that the beginning of my "weeks" are ok in regards to symptoms and they get worse as the week progresses. Today has been quite good, possibly also helped by the fact I have snacked more or less constantly but we shall see.
We have attempted night 2 of Austin in his big boy bed as when I took him up he requested, after being put in the cot, to be moved to his new bed but thus far he is still avoiding sleep and opting for he stand at the stair gate and shout approach...

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