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Real Nappies = Real Savings!

by Veolia UK on Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:11 pm
West Berkshire Council and Veolia Environmental Services are launching their new season of Nappuccinos, to encourage parents to make the change to real nappies. Changing to real nappies has lots of benefits for families, including saving money and reducing the amount of waste thrown away.

On the first Wednesday of the month (during term time) parents are invited to our Nappuccino event. You can drop by for a FREE cuppa and sign up for a FREE nappy trial, where you can try over twenty different...

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Starting a nappy blog

by june2007 on Tue Mar 02, 2010 5:36 pm
Hi I am Angela and I have started a nappy blog. I am also a nappy advisor with my own nappy site. I have mostly used Terry squares with my DD with motherease rikki wraps. However i do have a few BG's for use with my child minder and some Bamboozles size1. After 2 1/2 years my Boots/Mothercase Terries arenot as soft as they were so am debating on weather to use them on Bump due in July. Not decided on what to use. I also have a Lolliop rainbow size 1 and the odd fuzzibunz.
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My stash for Bump :)

by Velvetsteph on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:16 pm
Thought I'd keep my list for Bump on here...

Possibly yet to buy but might not...
1 x Northern lights with matching small and NB wrap
A few more wraps I think too...

Sized Fitteds: (32)
2 x Small Lucy's Hope Chest (LHC) organic bamboo velour (OBV)
1 x Small HL(Holden's Landings) Dreamscape (night nappy but I'm sure it'll be used daytimes too)
1 x Small Jimmy Riddles elephants
11 x Size 1 tots (organic and original) dyed various colours
1 x Little Lambs size 1 red&yellow dip dyed
6 x XS Sandies...

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Had a semi private lesson with best friend!

by nic1 on Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:56 pm
We had great fun. I was on Roxy again (i love that mare) and my friend being taller than me was on Benson who is bigger than Roxy. They are very good horses though and we loved it. I cantered again and had fun. My friends horse was just meant to trot and he started to canter but my friend sat really well on him and she enjoyed it too. It was her first lesson back in the saddle in about 7 years so we have booked again for next week! ...

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28 weeks with baby number 3

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:26 pm
I had forgotten I had this little corner, I'm glad I found it though as today I just need a bit of space to let off steam.
Today I'm tired; physically and mentally and emotionally. It's days like this that I question my own sanity at adding to our family, whether we are doing the right thing, for everyone. How will the older 2 cope? Will I cope? Will J? Or have I just lost the plot and this is going to be a really stupid thing to do?
I don't regret this baby, he is not now and will never be a mistake...

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