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6 weeks

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:26 pm
OK so today wasn't too bad, felt a bit rubbish this morning and could quite happily have gone back to sleep when Austin got up at 6.20 but I got up and got on with the day. Nausea coming and going, the heat hasn't helped and I have had to eat something about every 2 hours but I am trying to get meals in with snack between and it seems to have worked a bit better. I am praying that the worst is over (I know I have about another 6 weeks but a girl can hope) and I just have to hope that it's just the...

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breastfeeding to carry on or not to carry on??

by khaliandmeadow on Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:26 am
hi all
just wanted some advice my daughters almost a year and im breastfeeding ,bottle feeding occasionally and co sleeping.Im not quite ready to give up on the breastfeeding or co sleeping but need to do something about getting some sleep.She comforts on me all night and when i pull away she crys so i never manage to get into a deep sleep before shes awake.i basically get 4 hours 6 on a good night.Everyone says let her cry it out in her cot but i dont want to jump to that extreme im sooo exhausted...

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Exciting day

by frankie_n_baby on Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:01 am
This morning dh had a reply from the ecological consultancy who coincidentally started offering the same species diagnostics service as dh and I have just started up as a mini business trial. She was perfectly pleasant in her email and, as suspected, they are going to subcontract rather than do it themselves (being ecologists not geneticists). As a bonus, though, she asked whether I'd be interested in more freelance surveying, as they are always on the look-out for more freelance...

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i just love terry nappies ;)

by danistark on Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:44 pm
I really do love my terry nappies. My favourite fold is the Chiense fold and I am still using this currently on a 9 month old. I use a Snappi to hold it on and I use Baby Bee Hinds wool covers for nights... with a bamboo booster laid ontop the terry. I could rant about terry nappies for hours so I started a blog about them, and I am going to make some more posts there soon about different sorts of terries, cos a lot of people dont realise that there's more ot terries than just yer granny's non-rare...

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by eviesmummy on Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:57 am
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