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Why did I do that?!

by muttley on Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:52 pm
We took some friends to legoland (we have annual passes in lieu of a holiday this year) and I put Frederick in :shock: despicables :shock: for the day.

I peeled them off the poor little man when I changed him! What a difference to put him in his cloth the next day. Although he'd...

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0 Comments Viewed 5099 times

Lucys adventures in blw

by ericaj1 on Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:33 pm
Lucy is absolutely loving her food now. As soon as she gets put in her highchair she gets all excited. Her favourite finger food is banana at the moment. But avocado and banana mashed together with a bit of ebm is her favourite mushy food. She just can't get enough of it. I can't believe how much easier blw is compared to the standard puree route. I used to spend ages cooking batches of different foods to puree and freeze for Jack whereas Lucy just gets whatever is ripe in the fruit bowl. I do poach...

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0 Comments Viewed 17665 times

almost finished

by SuSu79 on Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:06 pm
orders.. just snaps missing.. and i get them on monday :x

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OH MY GOD!!! I'm so happy I could cry!!!!

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:45 am
I have just had great news!!! OH just called to tell me his Dr has just been in, he is responding really well to treatment, there is a 70% reduction in leukemia cells already and they are saying he has a 90% chance of going into remission by the end of this first round of chemo!!! I'm so happy I don't know what to do with myself. I know that he may not go into remission on this round but I'm clinging to the info I have just got with both hands and there is nothing that can get me today!!! He will...

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16 Comments Viewed 582580 times

Reviews on the 'to do' list for these holidays!

by clothmama on Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:13 am
As many of you know I'm in the middle of exams but getting these pad reviews done are on the list of things I need to get done these holidays! Unfotunately things have been manic for me for the past 6 months or so - I feel like I've barely drawn breath!! Sorry for the long wait! :oops:
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