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MY STASH ***under construction***

by vampiredreams on Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:08 am


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8 Comments Viewed 37728 times

5+6: powering through

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:35 am
So I have known about this pregnancy for 4 days and had horrible nausea for 3 of those. Today I am working on powering through. For those that are new here, this is all new to me, I suffered no pregnancy symptoms with my boy and i am not enjoying them. OH had his last round of chemo for leukemia in November last year and we were warned it would likely take years for his fertility to return if it ever did. We were given the ok to ttc in May and here we are after only one cycle of actually trying...

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20 weeks, it's a. . .

by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:35 pm
GIRL :widesmile:
bump pic

need to upload the scan picture but I can't believe we are having a girl :mrgreen: ...

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onto ttc - Cycle 2

by moonsunstars2 on Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:29 am
Well AF has arrived today. I've been expecting a visit for the past week so it wasn't a surprise which is why, I think, I don't feel *too* disappointed. It was only our 1st cycle too, So it would've been amazing if I had managed it first time round!!! So yep, feeling all quite chilled about it atm.

With Ben it took 5 cycles ttc, and I was getting my cycles back to normal after oming of the pill. this time I haven't got that extra worry of getting a contraceptive out of my ystem (and a little...

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Terry squares

by june2007 on Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:07 am
Just spent some time round my mums and she dug out an old terry square of hers. Not sure how many children it was used for as she has had five but it was soo much better quality then mine. She said she used to get the best. So it seems you do get what you pay for. So if your looking at terrries my advice is don't go for the cheapest. And stay away from those awful boots plastic pants. They rip very badly.
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