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by Laura2904 on Thu May 14, 2009 11:49 am
Hi there, I'm new here!
I am loving cloth nappies! They're so much fun but so addictive. I can see myself spending way too much if I'm not careful lol!
I'm trying loads of different brands and all seem to be pretty good except any "small size" doesn't fit Holly very well.
Holly is my youngest- born 27 jan 2009. I have another called Emma born 29 May 2004, and yes, you are right she is turning...

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First week in cloth

by litlestar on Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:38 pm
We've just finished our first (Almost full week) in cloth. Lil Man was 4 weeks old on saturday and is now over 9 lbs.

we've used mainly
Itti Bitti D'lish
Motherease OS as day and night nappy
Pop ins as a night nappy

so far we've only had a few minor leaks, the coolababy aren't a good fit at the mo (peed straight out of the leg) the itti bittis area good daytime nappy but i did have a minor poo leak ...

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I totally need to find time...

by loumo on Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:10 am
...to learn how to put photos on here. Is it a link-through-photo-hosting-site situation? Knitting startitis is out of control, I have had to resort to yet another list. I love lists, they make a problem seem easier by breaking it into teeny little obstacles. Course, when the problem is that you cannot move for wool, lists don't help hugely...but I have one, all the same.

On the needles right now I have the BSJ for Kits, a Hello Kitty handbag for Tiny, a fidget for Christmas gifting and a Pretty...

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Rant-free...if possible

by loumo on Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:02 pm
So I still have no water downstairs. Which is making feeding and clothing three kids, one in cloth nappies, somewhat challenging. Toxic chemical didn't work, next step is rodding the standpipe, but as it is full of acid, I need to wait for hubbie to come hold the babbas...

So, while i wait and can't clean or cook, i'm stuck with chilling and knitting. Sad but true :giggle:

in celebratory style,...

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0 Comments Viewed 6950 times

Lesson on new horse!

by nic1 on Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:40 pm
Had my lesson last Sunday (forgot to update here earlier) and i was on Alfie, who is perhaps a tiny touch bigger than Roxy. Now Alfie was lovely, not quite as stroppy as Roxy (Roxy is typical mare!!) and he was nice. I got some better canters going too!! :wine: :wine: ...

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