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Intro and 34 week midwife appointment :)

by sophDC on Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:31 pm
Introducing me!
My name is Sophie, age 22 and currently 34+1 weeks pregnant with a baby girl :)

Ever since my GP told me baby was definately transverse lie at 31 weeks I have been worried about the baby's position. She told me ooh she has 4 weeks to change position or off for a c-section you go! Which made me wonder what I could do to help baby get in the optimum position...

Fast forward to today and the midwife...

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Made it to 12weeks!

by winniewheresmypooh on Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:47 am
12+1 today

Time seems to have flown by. All is going well so far. Nervously awaiting my Nuchal screening. The last pregnancy showed low PAPPA levels which were discovered as part of the NT blood tests so fingers crossed that they are all normal this time. My scan will be on Thursday and the results get posted to me following that so should know within a couple of weeks.

My sister is pregnant with her first baby and also has her NT scan on Thursday. (She is due 1 day before me ...

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My (Annabel's) stash

by Miss_Purple on Mon May 03, 2010 8:26 am
Right, finally got round to taking pics of all my preloved wool and uploading it - also sorted out t-shirts to go with it all :giggle:

Quite proud really - only started in March - but don't dare work out what it has cost me!

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Teething, boobs and ventures new

by loumo on Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:42 pm
Not much chance to blog this week. Kit is teething. Big time. Which means we alternate between nursing strike on one side, gnawing the nipple to bits but not sucking, then screaming in fury when milk dares to drench her, and suckling constantly, even drinking while asleep. Oh, yes, and screaming when the boob goes anywhere else. Each morning is an unknown...will the boob be her only comfort or the butt of her rage?! Will I be lopsided and wishing she'd feed, or drained and wishing she'd stop?...

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Loving the spring sunshine!

by ChristinePlush on Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:48 am
Spring has sprung at last and the washing can be washed, dried and away all in less than a day! Stains vanish in the sunlight, and the kids are skipping to school - don't you just love the spring? Soon we'll put the winter coats and boots away and be looking out the flip flops and summer hats.

Top tips for nappy and san pro users - get the washing out on the line in the sunshine, does wonders for stain removal and is so much better for the fabric than tumble drying or putting on a radiator! For...

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