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Lesson on Sunday!

by nic1 on Tue May 05, 2009 7:33 pm
Had another group lesson with just Emma and best friend. I rode Alfie again. It didn't go quite as well as the last lesson but i am getting there. It's my canter that lets me down, feel my trot is quite ok.

We had a new instructor and she was great, really explained things well and alot more than other instructor did so we are sticking with her from now on!! :D ...

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0 Comments Viewed 28821 times

First timers stash

by retromum1 on Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:42 am
I have been using and buying stash for 4 weeks and so far I have

Wee notions
WNOS blue cuddlesoft dragon
WNOS blue minki dragonfly
WNOS White spotty minki made in England

WNOS blue and yellow minki with cowboy scene
WNSS large Robert robot

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2 Comments Viewed 4093 times

My newborn stash

by Miss_Purple on Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:47 pm
Just wanted to make a note of bump's stash somewhere I wouldn't lose it.

So far I have:
3 x Teenyfits
2 x Fuzzibunz xs

2 FnS white
1 LHC blue sheep
1 x unknown WAHM
20 x Kissaluv size 0
2 x xs OWW
3 x newborn prefolds

2 x WNSS
2 x BBSS
2 x Fuzzibunz
5 x BG aio
1 x Itti Bitti d'lish

4 x DnF
6 x OWW
2 x OWW prefolds
5 x prefolds
8 x LL size 1
1 x little gumnut all hours


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He's baaaack!

by 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:38 pm
OK so OH has been home for a whole week now so this isn't really news but I just wanted to write down a bit.
It has all been ok, much better than I expected actually, we have had a few minor niggles but nothing like what I thought it was going to be. He has been quite good at clearing up after himself and only had one day of being a miserable grump so it looks like he picked up his personality at the door :giggle: ...

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3 Comments Viewed 309713 times

REal nappy week

by june2007 on Fri May 14, 2010 7:01 pm
I won a price of £75.00 to spend on nappies after entering a real nappy weak competion. I have decided to get a few nice and more expensive nappies for bump. Waiting for the voucher now. Looking at a cowprint nappy and a chocolate and blue spot nappy. Exciteing. Not tried the makes before so will be good to see what they are like. What do people think of blueberry's?
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