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Most recent things.

by clairelana on Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:16 pm
Here a few of the thing i've been up to recently.

I'm hoping to get myself back up and running asap. I'm feeling much more like myself again. I have missed doing this.
I have a few more things to take pictures of then i wll add them to this post.

Thank you for looking,
1 Comment Viewed 111026 times

In the beginning....

by sezzlebum on Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:07 am
I'm a cloth convert and now im a cloth addict :giggle:
Aimee was born on August 11th, 2 weeks late, and to begin with we used disposables, i had been curious about cloth nappies but always thought they were to fiddley, probably more messy etc etc

So for the first 6 and a half weeks we used huggies, during that time i researched reusable nappy schemes and found one in manchester, the council offered...

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1 Comment Viewed 8745 times

6+2: nausea and spilling the beans

by 0_Lisa_0 on Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:50 pm
So today and yesterday were rubbish for nausea, fingers crossed tomorrow won't be so bad because I'm not enjoying it. Last night was rough, I got woken at 2.30 and barely managed to sleep after that then spent 2 hours in the bathroom feeling like death.
Anyway, the midwife made contact today and I have my booking in appointment on 19th July, and we have told our direct family. I have been feeling so ill that I just thought we should tell them so that if I need help they will know why. I think I...

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Well this could get addictive

by smilinglou on Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:58 pm
I thought I'd start sharing some of my little adventures, there's plenty of them since my life can be quite random sometimes. Like today; I got up, got dressed and we went OUT, out of the house!! Amazing right? Yeh see what I mean.
I'd say that's the most amazing day so far but that would be a lie, totally dishonest and I don't like to lie to myself or others so the truth is the other day (I think it was a Monday, but possibly Tuesday) was far more amazing than even that....there was chocolate cake!...

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0 Comments Viewed 5797 times

A whole, new, fluffy world.

by fivefourfour on Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:05 pm
So, a few weeks on and we have been testing out the new stash. :babyroll:

And I can report - I LOVE MY NEW FLUFF! :yahoo: Of course, I still love my old faithful TBs, but the ease of being able to grab a couple of AI1s as I run out the door has been a revelation. Especially as...

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