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The Birth Pool Practice

by jules070603 on Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:39 pm
We had a birth pool practice at the weekend which was fun and Zach really enjoyed helping out.

First up we had to collapse the dining table so out came the toolbox.

Next put down the shower curtains (bargain 50p!!)


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1 Comment Viewed 127558 times

more nappies!

by emmalala on Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:38 pm
got a muttaquin taday!
and a shorties and t-shirt set from the nappy garden
0 Comments Viewed 90761 times

A few designs

by clairelana on Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:57 pm

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The first day

by 0_Lisa_0 on Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:10 pm
So OH has had his line for his chemo put in today, he has had to have a dual line so they can give him blood and platelets while he is having his chemo. It all feels a bit dreamy at the moment, I've had moments where I have had to stop and question if this is really all happening but I'm guessing it must be as OH hasn't come home yet. We have been told his immune system is no longer working so he may not be allowed home at the weekend but so far the plan is he will come home on Saturday (after blood...

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1 Comment Viewed 196125 times

REal nappy weak prep.

by june2007 on Sun May 08, 2011 3:20 pm
Well council popup display will be in the library, I will be at a children's centre. Have Emailed another centre, Will be takeing my nappies to breast feeding group. And have sent a letter off to friends, clients promoting my website clearence sale. Will try to get into some other groups. What else are poepl doing for real nappy weak. By the way which is it week or weak?
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