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by frankie_n_baby on Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:02 pm
I'm off to see my mw today for the first time since booking in, in October. I'm not looking forward to it. Mind you, with all this snow, she may not make it to the local doc's. I will phone and see in a bit.
3 Comments Viewed 45333 times

Loving the spring sunshine!

by ChristinePlush on Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:48 am
Spring has sprung at last and the washing can be washed, dried and away all in less than a day! Stains vanish in the sunlight, and the kids are skipping to school - don't you just love the spring? Soon we'll put the winter coats and boots away and be looking out the flip flops and summer hats.

Top tips for nappy and san pro users - get the washing out on the line in the sunshine, does wonders for stain removal and is so much better for the fabric than tumble drying or putting on a radiator! For...

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Reviews on the 'to do' list for these holidays!

by clothmama on Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:13 am
As many of you know I'm in the middle of exams but getting these pad reviews done are on the list of things I need to get done these holidays! Unfotunately things have been manic for me for the past 6 months or so - I feel like I've barely drawn breath!! Sorry for the long wait! :oops:
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My sewing projects

by Bernadette on Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:26 am
Well hubby bought me a sewing machine and overlocker so I thought I would start making my own nappies for the little one. I had thought about doing it for a long time, but have recently just got into it and have made 4 in the last week when hubby was doing his private pilot's licence in France.

This is my first attempt, a fitted one size with Red Robots knit and bamboo fleece, I needed a bit more practice with the snap placement but overall was very happy!

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my wraps came in

by usinukveg on Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:50 pm
that's all I have to say. sooooo exciting.
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