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It's like banging my head off a brick wall

by 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:41 pm
I managed to be at the hospital for 30 minutes before a row broke out again today, OH still insists there is nothing wrong with him but I don't know what I did wrong today. Long story short he told me not to go back to the hospital to visit him so I think this time I won't, I'll wait for him to get in touch and tell me he wants to see me :( it makes me sad that we have come to this when all I want is to be close...

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2 Comments Viewed 234056 times

Will I never learn...

by frankie_n_baby on Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:58 am
...To not have food or drink after 8pm? Well, it was another bad acid reflux night that even the usually effective Gaviscon couldn't help with. Oh well, at least I can sleep in when I want to (given that I'm only working tomorrow, and that the first job in weeks). Still, I have a voluntary job to do today- sorting out bat and mammal records for this county for our bat group. Should be fairly tedious but it's something to do that's not housework! ...

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0 Comments Viewed 30550 times

to sell or not to sell

by VeronicaR on Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:07 am
my little girl has now all but grown out of her small itti's :(

what I'm trying to decide is whether I should sell them or keep hold of them for (if) and when no 2 comes along.

never found that we got that great a fit with them until she was at the top of the size range - and then her breastfed poo regularly came out of the sides.

I really love the itti's, but am figuring that in a couple of years time something...

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2 Comments Viewed 7772 times

A lead up to now

by beck on Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:57 pm
A quick run up to right now.

Bren was diagnosed with Kidney failure just before his 21st birthday - 2000

We met the next year, we were only together for 3 months when he got sick and was admitted to hospital. It was through a routine scan that they found a Renal cell carcinoma (cancer of the kidney) his right kidney was removed October 2001 and thankfully he was contained and hadn't spread.

Because of his Renal failure and one kidney having been removed his body couldn't cope his condition advanced...

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7 Comments Viewed 140210 times

My Xmas List

by dawnsmummy on Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:27 am
Right, here's my list of presents for xmas!

Got. Need to get.

Dawn (these will be split between her birthday and Xmas!) :
Cars2 garage,
Some cars to go in it,
Vtech Vsmile system with lots of games and extras,
Ciccobello doll,
Mini dinosaur teddies,
Wooden dino block puzzle,
Dinosaur book,
Dinosaur fuzzy felts,

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0 Comments Viewed 21600 times