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Isobella Rose and her words :)

by littlesez on Wed Nov 10, 2010 8:15 am
Izzy had always been quite quiet and more physical than vocal. But recently she has been a little chatterbox so I wanted to write down the words she has so far so i can look back and :D At 18 months she could say about 20 words so it really has come all at once i am so proud!

At 20 months
bye bye
see you soon
mimi (mummy)

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A Catch Up

by 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:31 pm
So I thought it was about time I got back on this and gave a bit of an update. We got back off holiday last Friday and life has been almost back to normal. We had a lovely time in Northumberland, the weather was nice and we spent pretty much every day on the beach. Austin loved playing on the beach and paddling in the sea and having all the fresh air and sand and other children around him to play with (which just makes me more sad that we will have to wait so long for baby number 2). OH was allowed...

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Home educating

by happytails on Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:49 pm
Well, we have pretty much decided to HE starting now :) I know dd is only 2.5 but would rather ger into the habit now, not pushing it or follow a curriculum as such, I'll just try and give her opportunities to learn and help her along the way :) anyway, this is my HE journey blog, hope you like, if you've stumbled across...

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A fluffy update

by fivefourfour on Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:07 am
Well, it didn't take long before I was forced to re-evaluate my stash.

The Ittis were, although slimmish and absorbant, an awful fit once Merry started walking. That, and the hardness of the inserts (rather a cardboard effect that bamboo often has) prompted me to give them the heave-ho, so we were back to fluffles and wraps when at home and WN AI2s when out and about.

Then I discovered Close Parent Pop Ins. ...

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Teething, boobs and ventures new

by loumo on Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:42 pm
Not much chance to blog this week. Kit is teething. Big time. Which means we alternate between nursing strike on one side, gnawing the nipple to bits but not sucking, then screaming in fury when milk dares to drench her, and suckling constantly, even drinking while asleep. Oh, yes, and screaming when the boob goes anywhere else. Each morning is an unknown...will the boob be her only comfort or the butt of her rage?! Will I be lopsided and wishing she'd feed, or drained and wishing she'd stop?...

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