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My WishList!!! part 1...

by Shevi on Thu May 07, 2009 8:33 pm
Well now finally at 14 weeks i am allowing myself to get excited :)
(and i may even have just felt the first movements...but i could just be getting overexcited here :))
so i thought i'd better start writing my wishlist so that i wont forget stuff!!!

1. Stokke Xplory - i have to put it as number one, i know i wont get one,...

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first nappy!

by usinukveg on Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:22 pm
Two nights ago, while waiting up for our guest to arrive at the house (house being a rather grand word for our accomodation...but it's more than spacious enough for us!) I finally got a chance to sew the first cloth nappy. The elastic sewing is really terrible, but by the time I finally got to the elastic, it was 2:30 am...so I wasn't expecting a work of nappy art. Last night after we got home from an evening out with our guest, I did a quick insert with scraps and finished off the project.

At any...

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6+2: nausea and spilling the beans

by 0_Lisa_0 on Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:50 pm
So today and yesterday were rubbish for nausea, fingers crossed tomorrow won't be so bad because I'm not enjoying it. Last night was rough, I got woken at 2.30 and barely managed to sleep after that then spent 2 hours in the bathroom feeling like death.
Anyway, the midwife made contact today and I have my booking in appointment on 19th July, and we have told our direct family. I have been feeling so ill that I just thought we should tell them so that if I need help they will know why. I think I...

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Completed My First CSP **Loads of Pics**

by litlestar on Sat Aug 29, 2009 2:35 pm
Right Here it goes, they say a picture is a thousand words, lets hope so as i'm rubbish at describing things

First things First i Pre-washed all the fabrics (not taking no chances in shrinkage etc)

Shown the the Pic is red Velour, three different designs of Flannel (which did fray in pre-wash) plain cream cotton, and fleece (not shown is my Minkee)

at this point i'd already made my liners (got impatient...

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I Love PlaySilks!!

by gayleygoo on Thu May 14, 2009 9:42 am
I was a bit skeptical when i first heard about them, and a few months ago i bought one and forgot all about it! Then I got it out and gave it to Molly, who had so much fun with it that I thought more were needed! She even asked for her "red blanket" this morning, and still hasn't let it out of her sight :giggle: They are great for using in role-play, and are suitable for children of all ages....

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