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by eviesmummy on Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:20 am
0 Comments Viewed 49527 times

Terry squares

by june2007 on Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:07 am
Just spent some time round my mums and she dug out an old terry square of hers. Not sure how many children it was used for as she has had five but it was soo much better quality then mine. She said she used to get the best. So it seems you do get what you pay for. So if your looking at terrries my advice is don't go for the cheapest. And stay away from those awful boots plastic pants. They rip very badly.
0 Comments Viewed 28766 times

Starting Baby Led Weaning :-)

by indigosky2k on Sun Sep 20, 2009 1:54 pm
So at 22 weeks we've made the scary decision to introduce some solids :-? I've been feeling for a couple of weeks now that Kacie's interest in food has increased dramaticlly, but I got worried over the whole 6 month thing. She fits the criteria in everyway, but her age. I felt from the NHS literature I was given that it makes it sound dangerous to wean pre-6 months, with the risk of alergies and chest...

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Must get photos

by muttley on Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:47 pm
of the fluff I want/need to sell. Gosh but I like me some cloth. And Mum has some that someone else gave me to sell on Ebay before they decided to stop allowing cloth nappies.

Personally, I have a whole packet of Fluffles brand new to sell, 6 barely used fluffles, 3 XL Fuzzi Bunz (incl. microfibre insert) and 2 large Upsy Daisy pockets that will NEVER fit my skinny brat :( And I'm sure there's...

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Yet another waiting game

by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:51 pm
So this time it's me. Today I went to see the doctor about being tested for Huntington's disease, which runs in my family. I actually came away feeling much better about it, not for myself, I can live with that, for me not knowing is worse than anything else. For the fact that apparently while it is unlikely there is anything that can be done if I have it, it is quite likely that, should Austin get the disease, there will be some sort of treatment. The dr I saw today was much better than any other...

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