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by Cadiva on Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:39 pm
See, I said I'd forget about this. I used to be incredibly efficient, it came with being a journalist, you had to know who was where and doing what and when you could manage to pin down which person it was you needed to speak to.
I wouldn't say I used to hang around on the streets but there were odd occasions when I'd just happen to bump into the councillor/policeman etc that I needed to ask something when they left the supermarket or the pub!

But, since having James, I have the memory of a sieve....

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0 Comments Viewed 8552 times

Dawn's Nappy Stash Dec 09

by dawnsmummy on Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:42 pm

Mutts; FS Mickey mouse, SS GHMILY and SS Purple Ooga

Bumpers; only one has poppers at the moment

Mummy made at the back, the Little Mermaid one is tatty and needs...

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1 Comment Viewed 50955 times

Maternity allowance update and new news.

by winniewheresmypooh on Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:54 am
I finally managed to claim my entitlement to maternity allowance. Took appealing numerous times and the idea of a tribunal before the MA office overturned their desicion. Here is a link to my 'proper' blog, http://whatdonnagoogled.blogspot.com/2011/12/maternity-allowance-and-stillbirth-at.html , if you want to check out the details. Well worth a look if you think you have been wrongly denied MA after a stillbirth at 24weeks, actually if you think you have been wrongly denied...

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0 Comments Viewed 8443 times

Stash pictures

by Velvetsteph on Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:10 am
Grace's pockets:


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1 Comment Viewed 124486 times

Upsy daisy Night nappy

by clairelana on Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:57 am

I reall like this. I'm tempted to keep it for Kaydi.
Its a M/L.
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