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Stash pictures

by Velvetsteph on Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:10 am
Grace's pockets:


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1 Comment Viewed 124275 times

Had that 1st lesson!

by nic1 on Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:47 pm
1st riding lesson done!!! I LOVED IT!! :wine: :wine: :wine:

Was great and didn't feel like i had been out of the saddle in all those years, trot was easier to pick back up than i thought it would be!! ...

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89% complete!

by sophDC on Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:07 pm
35+5, 30 days till D-Day, 89% baked!

Phoned the doctors again this morning just to see if I could get a mw appointment this week ( already got it booked for next week, but I'd rather have a 36w appt when I am actually 36w!), but nope, they are still fully booked :s
I feel baby moving quite a bit, especially hiccups still and little kicks and punches, but these movements are reduced. Think baby is running out of room!

Yoga for pregnancy was fab, just what I needed. As I have just moved to this town...

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my very own blob!

by usinukveg on Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:33 pm
exciting! i have a blob. this website is getting better and better.

speaking of blobs. my stomach is looking more and more blobish by the day. mr. frenchveg is worried that it isn't growing properly as I'm more than halfway through and just now starting to show. however, scan results show an abnormally large head (takes after his/her mum this little person) and a teeny tummy. i figure that the two balance one another out...right? i must admit that i have been worried that i would give birth to a...

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3 Comments Viewed 11414 times

My current wish list

by pinksalmon2001 on Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:41 pm
Must sell more to fund more fluff :oops: :oops:

Things I NEED:

2 x large WNNN - one brown dotty minkee with gingerbread men embroidery & one brown ooga booga
2 x dunk and fluffs - one grey and black giraffes & 1 Eliott Elephant
5 x blueberry large ss - Black,...

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