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by eviesmummy on Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:29 am
0 Comments Viewed 461141 times

The Ittis are going!

by Twinmamma on Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:21 am
The decision is made. My SIO Ittis are going after one leg leak too many. I have tried all sorts but they just do not fit Max well and I need more nappies that do :(

I'd love to try some Wee Notions but I fear they could get expensive for two (heart decision) so am getting more Real Easies (head decision) which are just brilliant on both of my boys. I have bought a preloved Itti AIO to try as they are just so lovely...

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0 Comments Viewed 12207 times

He's baaaack!

by 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:38 pm
OK so OH has been home for a whole week now so this isn't really news but I just wanted to write down a bit.
It has all been ok, much better than I expected actually, we have had a few minor niggles but nothing like what I thought it was going to be. He has been quite good at clearing up after himself and only had one day of being a miserable grump so it looks like he picked up his personality at the door :giggle: ...

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3 Comments Viewed 309531 times

Why oh why am I still awake?

by frankie_n_baby on Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:14 pm
I thought I was getting the hang of cloth nappy talk now, until I started browsing the classifieds! :lol: Hard to know what all the abbreviations mean, and the paypal talk (gifted? funded?). However, I will persevere. I still have some nappies to buy. Contemplating the 5 pack of MEOS and wraps, and deffo getting a bum genius or two, but not sure whether I should get the MEOS, and whether...

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2 Comments Viewed 41882 times

In the beginning....

by sezzlebum on Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:07 am
I'm a cloth convert and now im a cloth addict :giggle:
Aimee was born on August 11th, 2 weeks late, and to begin with we used disposables, i had been curious about cloth nappies but always thought they were to fiddley, probably more messy etc etc

So for the first 6 and a half weeks we used huggies, during that time i researched reusable nappy schemes and found one in manchester, the council offered...

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1 Comment Viewed 8741 times