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by Clothachu on Sat Nov 07, 2015 7:44 pm
Hello it is :loopy: Louis and my pokécloth Clothachu and I am the child of Clothmamma and MrC. here is a picture that I made.

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Lucys adventures in blw

by ericaj1 on Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:24 am
We tried sweet potato chips for tea yesterday and :shock: wow, not one bit of mess. She ate every single one of them really quickly so I can chalk them up as another hit. I'll do her some more for lunch today as they were so quick to do, I just par boiled them for 5 minutes then shoved them in the roasting tray with a small amount of oil. I sneaked a couple in Jack's normal chips too and he ate them...

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0 Comments Viewed 17538 times

new year food diary

by littlesez on Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:46 pm
10 superfoods
oats, honey, oily fish, avocado, tomatoes, honey, berries, nuts, parsley,
Avoided foods
Salt, added sugar, white bread/pasta, processed foods, dairy(milk products)

Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs
homemade date and walnut cake
fishcakes with tonnes of veggies
water and no alchohol red wine, cup of cocoa

beans on wholemeal toast
Pizza :twisted: ...

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Hi from Cumbria

by dizzy on Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:37 pm

Hi there from Cumbria
I am enjoying using petit desous nappies with my now eleven month old daughter. She is much happier in them than disposable nappies. I buy all my nappy and baby swim products from littlepants.co.uk We trialled a whole range of nappies when Hannah was tiny before choosing these.
1 Comment Viewed 4416 times

I Love PlaySilks!!

by gayleygoo on Thu May 14, 2009 9:42 am
I was a bit skeptical when i first heard about them, and a few months ago i bought one and forgot all about it! Then I got it out and gave it to Molly, who had so much fun with it that I thought more were needed! She even asked for her "red blanket" this morning, and still hasn't let it out of her sight :giggle: They are great for using in role-play, and are suitable for children of all ages....

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3 Comments Viewed 18477 times