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Cutting sugar and caffeine, The experience

by smilinglou on Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:07 pm
I've recently started reading 'Superfoods to boost your mood' http://www.amazon.co.uk/Superfoods-Boos ... 0753510596 after being recommended this by a lady on here, as I hadn't eaten much junk and we'd run out of caffeine tea I thought I'd start from there. The book lists 7 days worth of mood boosting meals but for us and our budget it may be difficult to follow so we've...

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by Cadiva on Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:39 pm
See, I said I'd forget about this. I used to be incredibly efficient, it came with being a journalist, you had to know who was where and doing what and when you could manage to pin down which person it was you needed to speak to.
I wouldn't say I used to hang around on the streets but there were odd occasions when I'd just happen to bump into the councillor/policeman etc that I needed to ask something when they left the supermarket or the pub!

But, since having James, I have the memory of a sieve....

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What a great pick me up

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:40 pm
So I've been going to the gym for a few weeks now and I love it :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I thought it was going to be really hard to get myself motivated and keep going but I'm really enjoying myself. The best part is I'm already getting compliments from people saying I have lost weight...

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Back to earth with a bump.

by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:55 pm
No long post tonight, I just want to remember how life can remind you of just how serious your problems are with one little episode. OH blacked out twice today and so we are all reminded today of just how serious everything is, this is cancer, it is real and it is serious and despite how well it has all gone up to now maybe we should all be a bit more cautious about what we are dealing with.
On an upnote (and, yes, even on a crap day like today there can be an upnote) I think we may have found the...

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Must get photos

by muttley on Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:47 pm
of the fluff I want/need to sell. Gosh but I like me some cloth. And Mum has some that someone else gave me to sell on Ebay before they decided to stop allowing cloth nappies.

Personally, I have a whole packet of Fluffles brand new to sell, 6 barely used fluffles, 3 XL Fuzzi Bunz (incl. microfibre insert) and 2 large Upsy Daisy pockets that will NEVER fit my skinny brat :( And I'm sure there's...

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