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My Xmas List

by dawnsmummy on Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:27 am
Right, here's my list of presents for xmas!

Got. Need to get.

Dawn (these will be split between her birthday and Xmas!) :
Cars2 garage,
Some cars to go in it,
Vtech Vsmile system with lots of games and extras,
Ciccobello doll,
Mini dinosaur teddies,
Wooden dino block puzzle,
Dinosaur book,
Dinosaur fuzzy felts,

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0 Comments Viewed 20540 times

JellyNose Chic - Hello from Claire

by clairelana on Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:12 am
Hello everyone.
I'm going to be showing all my items that are going on sale in here my blog.

This all started with me wanting a go at painting some clothes on the 14th of January.
Later that night i started with cupcakes on an old vest -

I was happy with the result but thought they were a bit simple for what i was aiming for.

All you lovely CNT ladies were really supportive giving me...

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The "Baby led weaning" Diet ;) ;) ;)

by Velvetsteph on Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:19 am
No mummy I absolutely do not like spoons, or food just milk thankyou...

But please will you pass me one of those....

Any bit of paper that's on the floor looking interesting
Your trousers
Isabelle's trousers
Daddy's shoes
Mummy's slippers
That ball looks interesting
Ooooh I can reach the hoover again
Mmmmm tasty jumperoo
Oooooh more shoes!
I wonder what that bumbo tastes like
That tissue box was tasty
Anything Isabelle is playing with ...

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2 Comments Viewed 40499 times

Not in a good place

by 0_Lisa_0 on Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:38 am
and I can't find my way out. I'm trying so hard not to break down in tears at every little thing at the minute. OH has hit a bad place emotionally and he won't admit it so he's taking a lot of it out on me but on Saturday I just couldn't take it anymore and walked out of the hospital and left him there, I also didn't go back yesterday, I thought if I gave him chance to think he might pull out of it. Unfortunately not, I phoned him earlier on and I got another tirade. I'm tired (one of the things...

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7 Comments Viewed 232142 times

I've had my baby!

by sophDC on Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:54 pm
Lily Annabelle Isla arrivved 4 weeks early bang on 36 weeks, obviously thought she'd steal the llimelight as me and oh had just got engaged :)
I am typing one hand atm, got L in the other arm and I suspect a nappy change is appropriate haha!
So, will update soon and put birth story in the right bit of the forum :wave: ...

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0 Comments Viewed 31436 times