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more fluff pics

by emmalala on Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:19 pm

a UD, 2 WNNL one ooga print, a Muttaquin and super brite wrap, shortie that were a fiver on the left with a t-shirt from adams that matches and set from the nappy garden on the right.
Im now addicted to wool!!!
0 Comments Viewed 89732 times

Rant-free...if possible

by loumo on Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:02 pm
So I still have no water downstairs. Which is making feeding and clothing three kids, one in cloth nappies, somewhat challenging. Toxic chemical didn't work, next step is rodding the standpipe, but as it is full of acid, I need to wait for hubbie to come hold the babbas...

So, while i wait and can't clean or cook, i'm stuck with chilling and knitting. Sad but true :giggle:

in celebratory style,...

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0 Comments Viewed 6939 times

Testing nappy.

by june2007 on Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:00 am
Lollipop are launching a new nappy it's a cross between there current softee and there micro. I was the tester. I tried size 1 on my son. It was a lovely soft minkee nappy with a seperate booster. I also tried the lollipop wrap provided. (also velsro) very soft and snuggly and not as bulky as the older lollipop nappies. TRied during the day and the night and one very satisfied customer. They are launching it in Red, Orange, Blue, White and green (I think.) Will be putting it onmy website. Size one...

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by eviesmummy on Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:13 pm
0 Comments Viewed 49662 times

No going back now!!

by nic1 on Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:09 pm
Well it's all booked for tomorrow. Took Emmas pony club forms to the riding stables (RS) as they needed signing on their behalf too and booked a lesson while i was there!! It's tomorrow, half hour private lesson on a horse called Roxy, eeekkkk, scared but at the same time very much looking forward to it also :D :D ...

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