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Stash List :)

by HighlandMum on Sun May 23, 2010 3:06 am
Sandy's Stash

All in ones (10)
Large Itti Bitti SIO Black
Large Itti Bitti SIO Chocolate
Large Itti Bitti SIO Purple
Large Itti Bitti SIO Royal Blue
Large Itti Bitti SIO Yellow
Large Itti Bitti SIO Red
Large Itti Bitti SIO Jade
Large Itti Bitti SIO Mint
Large Itti Bitti SIO Rockmelon
Large Itti Bitti AIO Like a tiger limited edition

Pockets (Granny friendly fluff) (11)
Large WNSS in yellow with monkey embroidery
Large WNSS with Lion embroidery

5 Bum Genius V3 in Grasshopper...

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0 Comments Viewed 16964 times

Pizza Base

by MrC on Fri Nov 13, 2015 7:22 pm
4 super thin pizza bases

2 packets yeast (for 500g)
1 teaspoon sugar
1.25 cups of water
1 tablespoon oil
3 cups all-purpose flour
salt to taste

3 cups is about 400g of flour. Work out yeast according to what it says on the packet. In this case it's about two packets.

Mix yeast and warm water in a bowl (40-45 Centigrade)
Add oil and flour and mix till it forms a dough ball.
Nead for about 5 mins
Cover bowl with a kitchen towel, place next to heater while the oven is warming...

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3 Comments Viewed 1371580 times

new thoughts

by frankie_n_baby on Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:24 pm
While browsing the list of WAHMs and looking at various products, I am again wondering about washable sanitary wear, and mooncups. Not sure about whether the mooncup is right for me, and wondering about the many different pads available. For some time I'd been wondering about all those unpleasant disposables (pads and tampons) and how they end up, and how damn much we have to spend in a lifetime for something that's not in any way in our control. It seems unfair that they...

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0 Comments Viewed 31797 times

Whoops again

by Cadiva on Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:30 am
Oh my, I can't believe it's been more than half a year since I've looked at this blog. James is two-years-old today and so far is really testing my patience!
He's been pushing his luck for quite a few weeks now being really defiant but now he seems to have gone full out for the little terror. He's ignoring everything he's being asked not to do (like play with the things on Daddy's desk) and so I've had to shut the safety gate to the office again which resulted in him having a melt down.
Now he's...

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0 Comments Viewed 8178 times

cloth nappies

by proudgrandma on Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:46 pm
After spending ages online researching the vast variety of nappies,(and then presenting the results to our daughter in law to choose the ones she liked the best) The bamboo kit from Little lambs appealed the most . The whole lot ,birth to potty cost £280,that was for 40 nappies & 20 wraps + 40 fleece liners ,boosters and other extras .He is now 19 months old and the nappies and wraps are wearing well.They fit neatly and as the kit was divided into 2 sizes ,20 of each ,they will be the ...

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1 Comment Viewed 5035 times