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CSP Learning Curve!

by clothmama on Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:07 am
Day 2 of testing! (Day 1 is here if you missed it!)

Last night I couldn't remember where I had put the Hollow Oak pad and was very tired so ended up putting the largest Go with the Flo one on. I really like this pad, so soft and comfy and you can feel that there are lots of layers for absorption yet it isn't thick. I think the...

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by 0_Lisa_0 on Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:19 pm
:x :x :x Have been informed today that it may not infact be just one more round of chemo but two so that might mean two more months of no OH not one, all this despite he is now technically in remission!!!! Apparently they have run out of one of the...

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Must get photos

by muttley on Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:47 pm
of the fluff I want/need to sell. Gosh but I like me some cloth. And Mum has some that someone else gave me to sell on Ebay before they decided to stop allowing cloth nappies.

Personally, I have a whole packet of Fluffles brand new to sell, 6 barely used fluffles, 3 XL Fuzzi Bunz (incl. microfibre insert) and 2 large Upsy Daisy pockets that will NEVER fit my skinny brat :( And I'm sure there's...

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Baby dragon BG tank top set.

by clairelana on Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:39 pm
I'm in the process of doing a green BG with a baby dragon on it and a green woolen tank top with a white t-shirt under it.
I'm doing the BG and tank top with the same matching dragon.

I'm also thinking of doing the same dragon on a green blanket.

Any sugestions for colours?
I'm thinking blue, yellow and red.

I will post Pics asap.

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Leaky dips

by june2007 on Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:49 am
I spent xmas round my inlaws and then my parents away from home. I decided to use disps for when I was away as I did not want to produce my mother with having to wash the clothies. Mmm so much for saving on washing, the disps leaked so much that I had to wash the baby grows as I would have run out otherwise. My mum had a different brand to me thinking they leaked less, I wasn't so sure. So if anyone asks if cloth nappies leak, in my experience less then disposables do.
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