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Even more nappies!

by Veolia UK on Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:38 am
Parents and carers in the West Berkshire District are now offered EVEN MORE of the latest nappies for a free two week trial!!

If you are interested or would like more information about real nappy contacts in this area, contact Keely or Anna at west.berkshire@veolia.co.uk or call 0203 567 2900

Thanks :thumbsup:
0 Comments Viewed 5929 times

It's all an experiment

by JabberJabber on Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:22 am
We might call the children Experiment #1 and Experiment #2 but sometimes it really does seem like they are experimenting on us.

Isaac sat at the table this morning eating breakfast whilst Anthony and I were getting ready upstairs. Isaac starts to call for daddy.

Anthony comments to me "he'll just need to wait a moment"

"Dad" (short, staccato)
"Dad" (slightly louder)
"Daddy" (gentle)
"Dadeeeee" (sweetly)
'Dad, dad, dad, dad" (insistently,...

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0 Comments Viewed 200064 times

Could it really be so easy?

by 0_Lisa_0 on Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:02 pm
I may well be tempting fate here but, can it really be that the whole rubbish cancer saga is over!? OH had his last round of chemo last night and I still don't think it has sunk in. I mean sure he still has to get better and come home and we have the follow up appointments but is it really done with? I still keep waiting for them to turn around and tell us that he has to go back. I hope he's home for Christmas!!!
1 Comment Viewed 203744 times

My 4th day with cloth nappies ..

by Mumma-Boo on Thu May 26, 2011 9:24 am
Well so far so good - the FLIPs fit really nicely on both the girls, although sometimes I think they seem a little tight on Gracie (2yrs & 1 mth) but in all fairness they are fine.
Gracie has had 2 wee leaks so far, im guessing she's more of a wee gusher, than a slowly trickle wee kinda gal! Iv managed to catch 3 poos so far, all the others have hit the wrap, which im gutted about but im sure once Millie's poo's are becoming a bit more solid they won't run onto the wrap.
Iv also bought quite...

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0 Comments Viewed 3938 times

Wooly Stash :)

by Velvetsteph on Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:46 pm
Isabelle's woolies:

Mummy knitted longies on the left, Motherknit black cherry longies on the right

Grandma Knitted longies on the left (they're a bit on the small side now), Babylonglegs Gothika shorties on the right :)

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1 Comment Viewed 85215 times